This tutorial is part of the series Learn Basic SQL Queries Using MySQL. In this tutorial, we will discuss SQL queries to create a table in MySQL.
Create Table Query
The query CREATE TABLE can be used to create a database table. In case you are remotely logged in to the database, you will also need the CREATE privilege for the table in order to create a table.
# TODO - Create Table # Query - CREATE TABLE <table name>(<column 1>, <column 2>)
# It might throw error in case database do not exist or table already exist with the same name CREATE TABLE `enterprise`.`user`(`user_id` INT);
# Good to go - there won't be any verification of identical structure of the existing table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `enterprise`.`user`(`user_id` INT);
This is the very basic query to create a table in MySQL database.
Column Definition
While adding a column, we have to specify at least its name and data type. We can also specify optional details of the columns while adding the table as shown below.
<column name> <data type>(<size>) [NOT NULL] [DEFAULT <default value>] [AUTO_INCREMENT]
Column Name - It specifies the name of the column.
Data Type & Size - We have to provide the data type of each and every column with the optional size or display width. For example - INT(8) represents an integer data type having a display length of 8 digits. The display width has no impact on the minimum and maximum values of the data type.
NOT NULL - We can optionally specify whether the column accepts a null value.
Default Value - The DEFAULT keyword can be used to specify the default value in case the column value is not provided while inserting the row data.
Auto Increment - We can optionally specify to auto increment the column value for each new row added to the table.
This is how we can create a table in MySQL using the SQL query.