How To Install Firefox On Windows

By bhagwatchouhan
How To Install Firefox On Windows

This tutorial provides the steps required to install Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10. The steps should be the same on the other versions of Windows.


Download Mozilla Firefox

Open the official Download Page of Mozilla Firefox. It provides the options to download Firefox for Windows as shown in Fig 1.

Mozilla Firefox - Windows - Download

Fig 1

Click the Download Now Button to start downloading the Firefox for Windows 10.


Install Mozilla Firefox

In this step, we will install Firefox on Windows using the installer downloaded by us in the previous step. Double-click the installer file downloaded by us in the previous step. It will ask for system permissions. Click the Yes Button to allow the installer to install Firefox. The installer will show the installation progress as shown in Fig 2.

Mozilla Firefox - Windows - Progress

Fig 2

It will launch the browser after successfully completing the installation as shown in Fig 3.

Mozilla Firefox - Windows - Welcome

Fig 3

This is all about installing the popular browser Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10.



This tutorial provided the steps required to download and install Mozilla Firefox Browser on Windows 10.

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