How To Install PyCharm For Python On Windows

By bhagwatchouhan
How To Install PyCharm For Python On Windows

PyCharm is among the most popular IDEs for Python development. This tutorial provides all the steps required to install PyCharm for Python development on Windows 10. The steps should be similar for other versions of Windows.

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Download PyCharm

Download PyCharm from the official website of JET BRAINS. The PyCharm is distributed as Professional for pure Python and Web Python development and Community for pure Python development as shown in Fig 1. In this tutorial, we will download the Community edition. The installation steps are the same for both Community and Professional editions.

Download PyCharm

Fig 1


Install PyCharm

In this step, we will install PyCharm using the installer downloaded in the previous step. Execute the installer to start installing Pycharm. It will ask for system permissions. Allow the installer to continue with the installation. It will show the Welcome Screen as shown in Fig 1.

PyCharm Welcome

Fig 2

Now click the Next Button to choose the installation location as shown in Fig 3.

PyCharm Installation Path

Fig 3

Click the Next Button to configure the installation options as shown in Fig 4.

PyCharm Installation Options

Fig 4

I have selected the option to add the 64-bit launcher on my desktop as shown in Fig 4. Click the Next Button to configure the Start Menu option as shown in Fig 5.

PyCharm Start Menu

Fig 5

Now click the Install Button to start the installation. The next screen shows the installation progress as shown in Fig 6.

PyCharm Installation Progress

Fig 6

It shows the success message after completing the installation as shown in Fig 7.

PyCharm Installation Finish

Fig 7

Click the Finish Button to close the installer. This is how we can install the Community Edition of PyCharm on Windows 10.


Hello World

In this step, we will write our first program in Python to print Hello Python on the console. Launch the IDE using the launcher icon available on the desktop. It asks to import the settings from the previous installation. I did a fresh install, hence selected the second option as shown in Fig 8.

PyCharm Import Settings

Fig 8

Click the OK Button. The next screen provides options to choose the UI Theme as shown in Fig 9.

Python UI Theme

Fig 9

I have clicked the Skip Remaining and Set Defaults Button to continue with the development. You may proceed to check other options by clicking the Next Featured plugins Button.

On the next screen, we can choose to either create a new project or choose an existing one as shown in Fig 10.

Python Project Options

Fig 10

Now click the Create New Project Button to create our first project. The New Project Wizard provides options to choose the project location and Python interpreter as shown in Fig 11.

PyCharm New Project

Fig 11

Click the Create Button to create the HelloWorld project. The IDE opens the HelloWorld project as shown in Fig 12. It will also show the Tips Dialog to keep us updated about the IDE.

PyCharm Hello World Project

Fig 12

Now right click on the project and choose New -> Python File and provide file name as shown in Fig 13 and Fig 14.

PyCharm New File

Fig 13

PyCharm File Name

Fig 14

Press Enter to create the file. It will open the blank Python file as shown in Fig 15.

PyCharm Blank File

Fig 15

Now update the file to print Hello Python as shown in Fig 16.

PyCharm Hello World Program

Fig 16

Now right click on the Program File to run it and view the output as shown in Fig 17 and Fig 18.

PyCharm Run Program

Fig 17

PyCharm Program Output

Fig 18

This is the easiest way to write and execute the Python programs in PyCharm.



This tutorial provided steps required to install PyCharm on Windows 10 and also provided step by step guide to write and execute the first Python program in PyCharm.

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